Books are the product of human social practice and a specific and evolving tool of knowledge dissemination. This tool is used to express ideas, accumulate experience, preserve knowledge and create advanced culture. With the continuous development of human science and technology, books have undergone tremendous changes. In particular, the advent and widespread use of computer and network technology has made a qualitative leap in book information, making the ideal of generating and transforming information resources into reality. Facing the informatization of books, how to do a good job in supporting the library and better play the irreplaceable important role of books is a problem that every librarian has to think about.

Book scanner is an indispensable equipment for book informationization under the new situation

1. Book informationization is an inevitable trend of book development

(1) Book information is conducive to giving full play to its overall resources. Paper books are usually placed on the bookshelves of the library, but some are neglected because of the age of the books, or because of the limitations of the bookshelves, their value is buried, and become a pile of dead books. With the advent of the information age, the use of computer networks and other means and means, the various books collected in the museum for many years into information to upload computers, the fragmentary book information into a system of modern information, and through The computer network establishes an unobstructed information transmission channel, and the organized book information is smoothly delivered to the reader. In this way, some of the so-called "useless" book resources have once again played a role and become an indispensable important material in the sharing of book resources, so that the overall resources can fully play their role and realize their greatest social value.

(2) Book informationization can provide readers with fast and efficient services. The library has gathered a variety of book resources, but because the paper materials can not meet the urgent needs of entering the modernization stage, and its classification may be unscientific, etc., often the readers who need to access the information can not find The much-needed information seriously affects the development of scientific research to a certain extent. After the book informationization, the books are classified according to the profession, and the distinctive professional features of the information service are strengthened, so that the reader can find the data accurately and quickly.

Second, the advantages of book information management

(1) The speed of borrowing services. The popularity of computers, the establishment of the Internet, especially after the introduction of information technology into the library field, the informationization of books has become the current development trend, greatly facilitating the readers. Readers can quickly and efficiently browse books as long as they have several basic conditions. The effect brought by book informationization not only reduces the labor intensity of library management workers, but also greatly improves the service efficiency of libraries.

(2) The infinite nature of capacity expansion. Modern scientific and technological means provide powerful technical support for the informatization of books, and create favorable conditions for the expansion of library books. A conditional and informative library can store huge catalogues, graphics and e-books, making the library truly a treasure trove of human cultural knowledge.

(3) Convenience of network services. The realization of library management networkization makes the book service break through the restrictions of the wall. Through the network, people can access the information of books and materials no matter where they are, so as to realize the sharing and utilization of book resources, which has far-reaching significance for promoting the exchange of scientific and technological culture of human society and the progress of civilization.

Third, the main way of book information management

(1) Construction of library information resources. As an important part of the national information consulting organization, the library should make use of the abundant resources and advanced technical theories to conduct research and practice on the effective development and utilization of library information resources, and strive to provide readers with professional content services. The following principles should be followed in the construction of information resources: First, the systemic principle. In the construction of library information resources, special attention should be paid to the connection of various elements in the library resource system, paying attention to the connection between the library and the external environment. The second is the principle of practicality. Different types of libraries have different service tasks. Each type of library has its own specific readers. The needs of various readers are also different. The library can focus on developing one according to its own characteristics and the needs of its clients. Digital collection on the one hand. The third is the principle of coordination and cooperation. In a networked environment, each library is only a part of a network or a node. Each library can jointly negotiate bargaining and joint procurement. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to coordination and sharing to avoid redundant construction of information resources.

(2) Establish a high-quality talent team. Book information management requires specialized technical management talents. They must have both cultural accomplishment and strong professional basic knowledge; they must have high professional ethics and certain psychological qualities, as well as modern scientific management skills; they must have a high level of foreign language and must have Skillful computer and network operation skills; both must have a certain interpersonal coordination and public relations skills, but also have a strong ability to handle information independently. Therefore, we must focus on cultivating the information capabilities of existing managers, and actively create opportunities for them to participate in various types of training and learning, supplement professional or management knowledge, and master the management of books, especially the computer and network technologies of library managers. The training and assessment of information management technology and other aspects have led to the transformation of book management from experience management to scientific management, from transactional to higher-level information processing.

(3) Expanding financing channels and increasing investment. Expanding funding channels and increasing investment are a very real and important issue for the survival and development of libraries. The library business is a non-profit service. The book informationization process in developed countries is relatively fast. One of the main factors is that there is a lot of investment. To accelerate the process of book informationization, it is necessary to increase investment in funding. The investment in the information management of books is mainly used for hardware investment, such as network construction and equipment purchase. In addition, software development and introduction is also an important input. Therefore, the leading departments at all levels understand the importance of developing the library business and the current shortage of funds in the library, raise the awareness of the importance of the information management of books, and tilt the funds to the library. At the same time, we should raise various social funds from various sources and actively promote the process of book informationization.

Scanning equipment required for book informationization:

Book scanner is an indispensable equipment for book informationization under the new situation

Fully automatic scanning speed of 3000 pages per hour;

Capture image resolution is 325dpi--600dpi, 24-bit color.

Patented SmarCradle "Laser Eye" dynamic processing program with automatic measurement function.

The V100 degree book support angle supports rare and fragile ancient books and files.

Simulated human arm vacuum adsorption page turning technology, a gentler robot than a human hand.

The surturn robot arm vacuum adsorption page turning technology is a gentler robot than the human hand.

Metadata retrieval and creation of MARC records, DublinCore files, and MODS files.

METS/AL TO compatible output.

Output TIFF, JPG2000, JPG, PDF/A and more format files.

From the perspective of the library, the construction of book informationization is both a goal and a means. It is not only the requirement for the library to adapt to the information age to improve its own management level, but also the requirement of the knowledge economy and the construction of innovative countries for its service targets. Therefore, the construction of book informatization should be based on library automation, taking digital library construction as the development direction, combining with the library's own reality, conducting comprehensive research and demonstration, determining development goals, formulating long-term development plans and recent implementation plans, and then achieving Book informationization is developing in a better direction.


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