In recent years, online shopping has become more and more popular, but there are also many netizens who buy and sell fake goods online. For those who buy cosmetics on the Internet, I believe that it is the MM that loves makeup. Today, Xiaobian is buying small cosmetics for everyone. Tips, teach you where to buy cosmetics online? Teach you how to buy genuine goods.
Where to buy cosmetics online How to buy genuine products Buy cosmetics tips
Look at the momentum
The "importance" here is mainly the size of the online store and the purchase channel. The online store is divided into individual Taobao stores and website companies; the channels are divided into direct sales and purchasing. In general, large direct selling websites are more trustworthy than private purchasing Taobao stores. Because private online stores do not require a lot of investment, they are not a big deal. Large direct sales websites have large operating costs and channel supply chains. When the size of the website is large, it will not escape like a small shop.
Second look at the price
Senior skin care products sellers know that the general big-name cosmetics are 30% cheaper than domestic ones. If the online price is cheaper than 30%, then it should be calm. As for the domestic brands, the sellers of Taobao Crown Store said that the price of the goods is generally 60% or more of the counters, but there are also special cases, such as products that are soon expired will be cleared at a lower price. The reporter used to log in to many cosmetics websites during May Day, and the price was very different. Some regular websites were more expensive. Tian Chuanwang, the person in charge of, said: "You may feel that such promotion is not very strong. Some products may be higher than some websites, but if you compare them according to the price of genuine products, they must be the lowest price. The price is derived from the purchase channel. ."
Three to see the true and false
Cosmetics are things that are used on the face, and they are afraid of fakes. People who regularly shop online generally identify the authenticity of the product through the nuances of the picture and the mixed comments. And online stores or websites that directly cooperate with brands and agents will not have the problem of identifying the authenticity. In addition, whether there is a mature return and exchange mechanism is also a criterion for evaluating the formality of private online stores or shopping websites. Miss Zhang, like the beginning of the article, after discovering that she was cheated, it is very simple to look at the sender's information. Only the sender's name and phone number are left. The company name and address are not available, and the money is definitely not recovered. It is understood that formal cosmetics websites generally have a mature return and exchange mechanism. "The reasons for customer returns vary widely. Most of the reasons are that logistics delivery is not timely, and the use of products is not suitable. Basically, there is no question about the authenticity of goods. Goods, that is to smash their own signs, and we have cooperated with the brand for more than ten years, the brand suppliers will sign a promise agreement with us to make a loss of ten, fundamentally guarantee that the cosmetics sold are genuine "Yu Chuanguo said.

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