When you need to print something, if you can pay attention to the following seven aspects, then you can ensure that your printing costs are controlled within a reasonable range. 1. Finding cooperation for printing companies Printing companies are not the same, and their ability often depends on the condition of the equipment they own or can use. Some devices print more specific products more efficiently (but printing other products is far from satisfactory), so you should be careful about choosing a printer. 2. Communicate better There are many things you need to communicate with the printing company, including budget, delivery deadlines, specifications, supporting corporate data, and what details you think of as qualified prints. The printer can't guess what you think, so when it comes to printing, you should try to tell them everything you have, and solicit their opinions.
3. Prepare ahead of time When setting up various schedules, you must push forward the progress of work from the last time limit of delivery. This allows you to master all the critical times of printing, finishing, shipping, and mailing. If your printed product requires special handling, such as plastics, embossing, or engraving, you need to let your printing company know so that they can also schedule this part of the process.
4. Prepare a complete list of product details Printing is a very detail-oriented production process. All product details may affect the final price. You should prepare a list of product details that are as detailed and accurate as possible so that you can get a reasonable estimate. If the details have changed (this kind of thing often happens), be sure to tell your printing house. In addition, pay attention to all things to be implemented on paper.
5. You need to know that sometimes paper is also a problem. Paper generally occupies 30% of the price quoted in the printing business. When choosing and using paper, you have many ways to save money. For example, be sure to use standard-sized paper, use a regular layout whenever possible, and try to avoid bleeding. You should discuss with the printing factory how to use paper to save more and minimize waste. Use digital printing as much as possible and print only when needed.
6. Be careful with what you should do Before you send it to the printer, it is your responsibility to check the proofs carefully. You need to take extra time to make sure that everything is accurate, because if you receive a copy of the proofs, the cost will need to be self-declared, and this will most likely delay time. What's more, if the product has already been printed and you have already signed it, then the mistake is that you are not in the printing company, so the loss needs your own back.
7. Plan delivery work Is your printed matter mailed? If yes, then you will need to include this in the plan. You need to pay attention to the size, weight, shape, baling, packaging, and the like of the printed matter. You should design products according to the mailing limit. You should use the discounts that the post office can provide as much as possible. This is usually related to the type of mail, the size and weight of the mail.
If you control the above seven points, then you can effectively control your printing costs. Over time, the advance planning of the printing business to maintain the efficient operation of printing and effectively control the cost has become a habit of professional printing service buyers, which also makes printing procurement more challenging. More creative and more interesting.