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1 laser type film B4 1.45 42 PS version 0.28×680×640 16.24
2 laser type film A4 sheets 0.94 43 PS version 0.28×920×760 sheets 24.79
3 PS version of developing powder 24×1 bottle 13.42 44 PS version 0.28×1030×770 Zhang 28.12
4 blanket cleaning agent 20×1 bottle 17.09 45 PS version 0.28×1000×800 sheet 28.12
5 PS version processing agent 24×1 bottle 29.23 46 Meiji blanket 9600A 1.65×680×24 m2 615.38
6 PS version of the revised paste 100 × 1 bottle 10.51 47 Meiji blanket 9600A 1.65 × 920 × 24 m2 615.38
7 Ink cleaning agent 10 liters bucket 47.01 48 Meiji blanket 9600A 1.9×960×24 m2 615.38
8 PS version fountain solution 3×1 barrel 66.67 49 Meiji blanket 9600A 1.9×1030×24 m2 615.38
9 PS version of protective plastic 12 × 1 bottle 6.67 50 Jinyang blanket S  7000 1.65 × 800 × 29 m2 641.03
10 Lide powder 30×1 bag 15.81 51 Jinyang blanket S7000 1.95×860×29 m2 649.57
11 Ink additive bag 17.52 52 Jinyang blanket S-7770 1.95×920×30 m2 564.10
Tianshi and Tianni Ink Model 53 Jinyang Blanket S7770 1.95×1030×30 m2 564.10
12 TRT-233 medium yellow 3135 kg 23.61 54 zinc oxide dry plate paper 305×475 sheets 0.94
13 TRT-713 black 3712 kg 21.69 55 reel wet-laid paper 80m×2 reel 940.17
14 TRT-153 gold light red 3210 kg 25.02 56 resin version four open box 3846.15
15 TRT-423 Sky Blue 3445 kg 27.03 57 Full Sheet Blade 1520 Piece 461.54
16 TGS-239 transparent yellow 8139 kg 24.93 58 split blade 1065 piece 333.33
17 TGS-719 black 8729 kg 24.93 59 full length blade 18×18 16×16 root 5.98
18 TGS-139 Crimson 8239 kg 33.61 60 Cutterbar 18×18 16×16 Root 5.13
19 TGS-429 Sky Blue 8449 kg 28.70 61 Binding wire 21#-25# kg 8.80
20 TGS-158 Gold Red 8210 kg 25.50 62 German Gold Aluminum 338 (640×120) Volume 205.13
21 TGS-129 pink 8249 kg 81.27 63 German aluminum silver 338 (640×120) volume 205.13
22 TGS-818 white 8824 kg 27.85 64 Japanese aluminum gold K-7 (640×120) volume 192.31
23 TS-341 silver 37 kg 59.41 65 Japanese aluminum gold K-7 (640×120) volume 196.58
24 TG-161 Gold 20 kg 53.11 66 Homemade Aluminum Gold Peacock (640×120) Volume 81.20
25 TG-171 Gold 18 kg 86.32 67 Homemade Aluminum Silver Peacock (640×120) Roll 81.20
Imported ink specifications 68 YZ-600 film 500×600×50 1×5 box 380.34
26 Japanese Butterfly 201 Red 18×1 Kilogram 94.02 69 YZ 600 Film 0.6×30M 1×4 Volume 456.41
27 Japanese butterfly 202 yellow 18×1 kg 78.63 70 YZ600 film 161×30M 1×1 volume 834.87
28 Japanese Butterfly 203 Blue 18×1 Kilogram 94.87 71 YZ 600 Film 1.2×30M 1×1 Volume 908.21
29 Japanese Butterfly 204 Black 18×1 kg 78.21 Paper Type
30 Japanese Gold Butterfly Gold 18×1 kg 158.12 No.
31 imposition film base 0.1mm×0.6m×50m volume 14563 72 Laizhou cover cardboard 1.5mm 1350×920 0.5 tons/piece
32 imposition film base 0.1mm×1.2m×50m volume 290.6 73 Laizhou cover board 2.0mm 1350×920 0.5 tons/piece
33 Water roller sleeve (chemical fiber) 84 needle 55 meters/box meter 10.05 74 Laizhou cover cardboard 2.0mm 1350×920 0.5 tons/piece
34 Water roller sleeve (chemical fiber) 96 needle 50 meters/box meter 10.97 75 Laizhou cover cardboard 3.0mm 1350×920 0.5 tons/piece
35 Water roller pile (chemical fiber) 108 needle 45 meters/box meter 11.89 76 Liaoyang board 1.0mm 800×1100 1368/ton
36 water roller pile (cotton) 84 needle 80 meters/box meter 7.95 77 Liaoyang board 1.5mm 800×1100 908 sheets/ton
37 Water roller pile (cotton) 96 needles 70 meters/box meter 9.09 78 Liaoyang board 2.0mm 800*1100 684 sheets/ton
38 Water roller pile (cotton) 108 needle 60 meters/box meter 9.91 79 Liaoyang board 2.5mm 800×1100 548/ton
39 PS version 0.15×480×300 sheets 5.5 80 Liaoyang board 3.0mm 800×1100 452 sheets/ton
41 PS version 0.28×650×550 sheets 16.10
Note: The above products are exempt from tax. This price is for reference only and subject to change without notice.
Address: Guangwai Street, Xuanwu District, Beijing (get off at 6th, 50th, 122nd, 410th, 309th, 390th Luwanzi Station)
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