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N208 J2108B folio monochrome offset printing machine 32.6
N208 J2108BJGA (Frequency conversion) off monochrome offset press 33.2
N208 J2108C Folio monochrome offset printing machine (widened) 44.5
N208 J2108B-II (Frequency conversion, Ink and ink combination) Off-color monochrome offset press 34
N207 J2205 Offset Two-color Offset Press 61.5
N207 J2205JGA (Frequency Conversion) Folio Two-color Offset Press 63
N113 J2204A Folio Two-color Offset Printing Machine 72.2
N136 JS2102 double-sided offset printing machine 60
N120 PD11230A full duplex printing machine 71
N218 PZ1020 Offset Two-color Offset Printing Machine 111
N204 PZ4880—01B Type Offset Four-color Offset Press 189
N119 PZ4920—01 off four-color offset press 220
N277 PZ4720—02 Four-color four-color offset press 147
N108 JJ103 web monochrome offset press 72
N332 JJ204D web offset printing machine 128
N107 JJ204 web double color offset printing machine 95.5
N134 PJ787-01 type roll cover machine 78.5
N161 PJ2787-02 small triple machine 194.5
N174 PJS1880—01 Roll Paper Monochromator 82
N131 PJS2880—01 Roll Paper Double Color Machine 114
N189 PJ787—02 Web Offset Printing Machine 113
N303 PJS4880—03 web and paper double-sided four-color offset printing machine 295
N327 YP787 Roll Paper Monochrome Machine 113
N280 Y printing unit (YP4787G equipped) 75.5
N281 Z folding machine (YP4787G equipped) 55.5
N282 YP4787G Web Offset Printing Machine 278
N282T1 YP4787G-Y web lithographic printing machine 208
N282T2 YP4787G+Z Web Offset Printing Machine 323
N282T4 YP4787G+Y web lithographic printing machine 348
N282T YP4787G+Y+Z Web Offset Printing Machine 393
N282 YP4787G+2Y Web Offset Printing Machine 428
N282T3 YP4787G+2Y+Z Web Offset Printing Machine 486
N349 YP4787H Web lithographic printing machine (tower type) 263
N321 2000 zero-speed splicer (YP4787H equipped) 42
N239 YP1880A Web Offset Printing Machine 97
N340 YP1880B Web Offset Printing Machine 131
N344 YP2880A Web Offset Printing Machine 147
PZ1440C type eight open monochrome offset press 8
J4105A type four open monochrome offset press 17
PZ2720-02 four-color two-color offset press 52
WB540 bending machine 1.16
WB541 bending machine 1.47
WB612 bending machine 1.554
WB612A bending machine 2.0475
WB543.7-617A bending machine 1.78
SC880 drilling machine / DK733 drilling machine 0.525/0.55
This quotation is a delivery price in Beijing and is for a limited period of 1 year (January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000).
China Printing Materials Corporation Domestic Equipment Branch
Contact: Li Zhiguo, Jin Jinbao, Cheng Jun
Contact Tel: (010)63442880 63442886
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