Most of the most common plastic bottles in our lives are extracted from oil and produced. The waste of a large number of PET bottles each year causes serious waste of resources. To this end, scientists set out to research and replace the traditional beverage bottles with PET bottles that use 100% plant raw materials in order to achieve energy-saving and environmental-friendly effects. Recently, Japan's Suntory sources said that it is currently working with a U.S. company to develop a 100% PET bottle using plant raw materials, and it is planned to be put into practical use in 2021. Japan's Suntory Group has the technology to process wood chips into p-xylene, which is one of the raw materials for PET bottles. The technology was validated in equipment built in Texas, USA. According to Japan’s Suntory Group, there is currently no 100% PET bottle of vegetable raw material used in the world. The PET bottle will be used as a mineral water container sold in Japan. Because the raw materials of PET bottles are all derived from plants, the CO2 emission from each PET bottle will be reduced to 100% of the plastic bottles produced from 100% petroleum feedstock. ( Please check the details ) [Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine. Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone The following is our WeChat public platform QR code, please pay attention Customized Tempered Glass ,Clear Tempered Glass ,Ultra Clear Tempered Glass,Glass Tempered Glass WCH Temper Glass Co., Ltd ,
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