Due to the nature of baby's nature, many baby products are manufactured using plastics as raw materials, such as baby bottles, toys, bowls and chopsticks, cup spoons and other inbound contact products. For a long time, China has not formulated corresponding standards for the safety of infants' and children's tableware. At the just-concluded China Toys Fair, China Toys & Baby Products Association issued the “Enterprise Safety Standard for Infant and Child Tableware Safety†enterprise association standard outline. The new standard will fill a number of “industry gaps†and Chinese infants that have not followed national standards for a long time Children's tableware safety issues will finally start from "zero." It is understood that China has not yet established a national standard for infants and young children, and only a handful of key enterprises have set corporate standards. Most of them have not marked product implementation standards, and some have marked adult tableware standards. Many products are simply reduced in accordance with the specifications of adult tableware, and their materials, functions, designs, logos, etc. do not take into account the characteristics of infants and children's physical development. "Non-standard production, lack of supervision" leads to great safety risks in the purchase and use of products. . Liang Mei, executive vice president of the China Toys and Baby Products Association, said that after the approval of the national industry authority and industry mobilization, the “Enterprise Safety Standard for Infant Tableware Safety†corporate alliance standard is expected to be implemented in April 2015. The "Infant and Child Tableware Safety Requirements" corporate consortium standard outline references European Union, United States, Japan and other international standards for infant tableware safety and corporate standards for alliance members, and relevant key indicators such as mechanical physics and chemical properties require immediate follow-up to the latest international standards. The main contents include: sanitary requirements for infants and young children's tableware raw materials, additives, etc., basic requirements of sharp edge, small parts, holes, printing ornaments, resistance to boiling water performance, tension, torsion, tear strength, stiffness and hardness, drop strength and other machinery Physical properties, as well as instructions for use, safety precautions, packaging, transportation and storage. Government safety standards covering all children's products and toys are expected to be introduced in 2016. (For details, please refer to: ) [Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine. Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone The following is our WeChat public platform QR code, please pay attention
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