First, the domestic laser photo film factory recommended performance Laser photo-discharge film and other photosensitive materials, photographic performance mainly refers to the fog density, gamma, sensitivity and the highest density. Due to the differences in the test methods of the plants, these recommended performances are for reference only (see Table 1). Table 1 Recommended Performance of Domestic Laser Photographic Tablets Second, several domestic and foreign laser photo film performance test 1. Photographic performance test In order to compare the performance of several laser photolithography films at home and abroad, we used the following conditions to test the photographic performance of the three films. The processing technology is shown in Table 2. Exposure conditions: color temperature 2859°K Color filter: Kodak Leiden 29 Exposure time: 1/50 second Table 2 Processing technology The photographic properties of the three films measured by the above method are shown in Table 3. Their characteristic curves are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Characteristic Curves of Three Films Table 3 Measured photographic performance of several laser photolithography films The above related data was obtained after testing according to the methods prescribed by industry standards. The flushing method is manual. In the practical use of laser photolithography, most users use machine washing. Our factory had asked the user to rinse the machine with the Shanghai brand HN laser photo-discharge film and then measured its photographic performance. See Table 4 for data. Table 4 Machine wash performance of Shanghai brand HN laser photo According to our measured photographic performance, we have the following conclusions: 1 The photographic performance of Huaguang Brand and Shanghai Brand is basically the same, while the sensitivity of Shanghai Brand is fast. This is beneficial to the user. According to the concept of film sensitivity, the faster the sensitivity, the less exposure is required to produce the same density. Under our testing conditions, the Shanghai brand can reduce the exposure by 70% compared to the Huaguang brand, while the Fujifilm brand has 2 times more exposure than the Shanghai film. 2 The gamma of the three types of film is highest in Fujifilm. The higher the gamma ratio, the greater the ability of the film to record contrast between light and shade. As for the comparison between light and shade, the difference between large and bright looks bright, commonly known as the tone is hard. For printed films, the higher the contrast, the better. 3 The fog density of the three films is basically the same. Fog density refers to the density of the film that is produced by exposure without exposure. In the process of preparation or processing of various photosensitive materials, a certain amount of silver halide grains are more or less always generated silver dots, and are reduced to silver without exposure, so that after the development, there are different degrees of fog. Film fog conference affects sharpness. The fog of these three films is now within the standard. In this regard, their quality is the same. 4 The highest density of two kinds of domestic films has exceeded 4.0, and the density of Fujifilm is also close to 4.0. Since they do not require such a high density in actual use, they all meet the requirements for use. 2. Physical and chemical performance test For laser photolithography, the closely related physical and chemical properties mainly refer to the resolution force, the color sensing range and the coating thickness. In addition, the silver content of the film is also useful to users, and we also tested it. The physicochemical properties of the three films are shown in Table 5, and the photosensitivity spectra are shown in Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively. Table 5 Physicochemical properties of several laser photolithography films 1. All texts, pictures, audio and video presentations of “Source: China Packaging Network†are marked on this website, and the copyright is exclusively owned by “China Packaging Networkâ€. If you need to reprint, please indicate the source. Any media, website, or individual must indicate "source: China Packaging Network" when reprinting. Violators of this site will be held accountable according to law. 2. 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At present, there are Huaguang Brand Films produced by the second film factory of Lekai Group, Tianjin Sanhuan Brand Films produced by Tianjin Evergrande Photographic Materials Company and Shanghai Brand Films produced by Shanghai Sensitive Materials Factory. The foreign films are mainly AGFA and KONICA. Fuji and other brands. This article will select three domestic and foreign laser photo film for performance comparison. .reveal-modal-bg { position: fixed; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: #000; background: rgba(0,0,0,.8); z-index: 100; display: none; Top: 0; left: 0; } .reveal-modal { visibility: hidden; top: 200px; left: 50%; margin-left: -300px; width: 600px; background: #eee url(modal-gloss.png) No-repeat -200px -80px; position: absolute; z-index: 101; padding: 20px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; -moz-box -shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,.4); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,.4); -box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba( 0,0,0,.4); } .reveal-modal.small { width: 200px; margin-left: -140px;} .reveal-modal.medium { width: 400px; margin-left: -240px;} . Reveal-modal.large { width: 600px; margin-left: -340px;} .reveal-modal.xlarge { width: 800px; margin-left: -440px;} .reveal-modal .close-reveal-modal { font- Size: 22px; line-height: .5; position: absolute; top: 8px; right: 11px; color: #aaa; text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px rbga(0,0,0,.6); font- Weight: bold; cursor: pointer; } .reveal-modal h1{color: #0c6ab2; font-size: 20px;font-weight: 600;} .reveal-modal p{margin: 10px 0;line-height: 22px;} Var destoon_userid = 0; var destoon_username = ''; var destoon_message = 0; var destoon_chat = 0; var destoon_cart = substr_count(get_cookie('cart'), ','); var destoon_member = ''; var oauth_site = ''; Var oauth_user = ''; destoon_member += (oauth_user && oauth_site) ? '
Film type \ camera performance
Fog density Do
Contrast coefficient r
Sensitivity s
The highest density Dmax
Huaguang LP6328II
Shanghai Brand HN6328II
Tianjin Sanhuan LP6328A
Processing program
Time min
Temperature °C
Normal temperature
Normal temperature
Flowing water
Film type \ camera performance
Fog density Do
Contrast coefficient r
Sensitivity s
The highest density Dmax
Huaguang LP6328II
Fuji HSR
Shanghai Brand HN6328II
Processing conditions
Photographic performance
Time s
Temperature °C
Fog density Do
The highest density Dmax
Film variety \physical and chemical properties
Solution force l/mm
Color sensing range nm
Coating thickness um
Silver content g/m2
Huaguang LP6328II
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